2. External editors

In order to write a program, you can use the internal text editor provided by AgvManager and RDE. You can use also external editors, the one you like. RDE support 3 external editors, this mean that in the configuration window, you can choose to open the source code in an external editor. Notepad++, UltraEdit and ConTEXT are supported by RDE.

In the following section we will see how we make configuration files in order to highlight the syntax of Xscript, R3 language and object blocks.

2.1. Vim

File needed??

Copy the files in vimfile in the instalation directory in windows or in /usr/share/vim/vimfiles in linux

2.1.1. Syntax highlight

2.1.2. Function list

2.2. Notepad++

File needed and where to place them

2.2.1. Regular Expressions

Notepad++ regular expressions use the standard PCRE (Perl) syntax.

2.2.2. Syntax highlight

2.2.3. Function list

2.3. UltraEdit

File needed and where to place them

2.3.1. Regular Expressions

UltraEdit doesn’t use Unix style regex. There are some difference between the two styles. On the website of UltraEdit, we can find the difference between them. In the wordfile of UltraEdit regex of UltraEdit should be used, it is different from the one used in Notepad++.

2.3.2. Function list and syntax highlight